Sunday, April 17, 2011

APeek: IntoMyThingsINeverWearPile

Things I've Never Worn
Here are a few items that I’ve never worn out side of my own house  either A.) because I cant find anything to pair it with or B.) I haven’t built up the confidence to wear IRL.
First we have my pink and white pin striped 3/4 sleeve blazer (Which I proudly wore today)
to be honest I absolutely love it but more so the detail, it’s comfy and just boxy enough to compliment my curvy
^^^check out my sexy awkward squat to show off the back.^^^
not really a great picture but this is exactly why I need a good camera and a tripod (v.v) but I must accept the fact the I cannot afford one atm. 
Next we have my silk, off-white, super tight, high waist, capri pants, and I don’t wear them because… well you’ll see. Lets just say 118 lbs. was a long time ago.
Then there’s the really old jacket I found in our storage out back. It’s kind of grunge looking if you ask me but I love it all the same. Maybe if I added some spikes I’d be more inclined  to take it for a spin.
Then there’s that sweater that makes my boobs look soo big (No Beuno), but the colour’s nice.
And last but not least this WEIRD skirt with some kind of whacky story being told all over it. I’ve often thought about turning it in to shorts.

1 comment:

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